
Where to start?

Started by April 18, 2003 02:03 PM
11 comments, last by Nacho 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi there! After 1 1/2 years developing for the Windows platform, I´d like to start developing for Linux platforms as well. The problem is I know nothing about Linux: I´ve never installed it on my machine. My question is: Which distribution do you recommend me to start learning how to use this platform? Also, which compiler do I need to use to program in C/C++ in Linux? Last but not least, If I code a program that runs well on one distribution (say, RedHat), Will it be compatible with other distributions? Ah, one more thing. I´ve seen tons of book about Linux in my local bookstore. Which ones can you recommend me? My goal, at the moment, is not becoming a Linux guru. I´d just want to install it on my computer and develop applications for it. Thanks in advance for your help! --Ignacio Liverotti
Well I''d suggest starting with learning linux. There are several good distros out there and its kinda take your pick. Right now I think people are less in liking of RH as they once were. I think they may kinda be on their own little path. Getting it is super easy and cheap. You can download it if you have the modem for it. Several books have a copy to go with it. Some of the Linux mags out there will package it with their mag or I generaly order off ebay for a few bucks. I would say on the book front just grab all the books and start thumbing through them and take the one that you are understanding/liking the best. I wouldn''t recomend the RH X.X Linux Bible however. Its what I got and I felt it missed alot of key info. I found myself coping what I needed to now out of a Linux or dummys book. Also try to find one that covers Linux as a whole not from a single distro POV. As far as your programs go they should see a large amount of compatibiliy among distros. The compiler ships with any self respecting Distro and is GCC. Just make sure you pick the development packages in the install. I''ve found actual information on actual linux programing to be very had to find so good luck there. Take some time learning your way around. Somethings are the same some aren''t. Like the file system. Things are aranged different than windows. Its not hard to navagate but you''ll need to know why you can''t find your CD-ROM drives in the main directory. Lastly if you are wanting to make games I''d make sure you have an Nvidia card. They make full drivers for Linux so it can be all it can be. Others will work you just won''t have as easy a time getting high speed 3D aps cookin.
------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork
Wow! Thanks for the info Goober King! I´ve been looking around some bookstores here in Argentina (which, since the economical devaluation are not as updated as they used to be) and I´ve found a book called "Linux Demistified" (it´s in Spanish) for 19 pesos, which is 6 dollars, more or less. I think I´ll start with that book because (from what I´ve read) is not geared towards any distribution. Regarding my video card, it´s a shame what you said about nVidia, because I´ve bought an ATI card a couple of weeks ago!

Anyway, thanks for your advice. I think you´ll see me quite often on these boards from now on!

--Ignacio Liverotti
ATI does provide drivers for linux ("ATI-powered" products are supported too). I haven''t tested them, but I know they exist.
Maybe you could give them a try before buying an nvidia.

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I switched from windows to linux a few weeks ago, because some weired M$ bug killed all my emails...
I started with a Debian/GNU Linux and it was very easy to install.
It was like a evaluation version in some german magazine.
I think as IDE KDevelop looks very good. As compiler you need only gcc or g++ for C or C++, and I think the Qt libraries are useful.

For programming linux games I found this link:

The Wild Wild West - Desperado!
The Wild Wild West - Desperado!
quote: Original post by SwSh
ATI does provide drivers for linux ("ATI-powered" products are supported too). I haven't tested them, but I know they exist.
Maybe you could give them a try before buying an nvidia.

Do they do that now? I'll have to look and see. They make good cards but in the past they didn't actualy make Linux drivers. They gave the info so other people could do it. I'll have to look into it.

Well look at that, they DO! Good deal. Thats what I like to see. Not that I have any ATI cards hanging around but I could now if I wanted. So dude don't listen to me. Do what SwsH said. Try them suckers out. Oh and I'd recomend using Quake3 or Return to Castle Wolf. if you have one of them around for testing them out. You can download the Linux installer for each for free. Then you just copy the maps over and run it.

[edited by - Goober King on April 19, 2003 7:53:18 AM]
------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork
Thanks again to all of you for the replies! In a couple of hours (when the bookstores will be open) I´ll buy the book I´ve mentioned before. Even if I can´t get the drivers for my ATI card I will not buy an nVidia because the dollars are quite expensive here. Nonetheless my father has a TNT2, so I can borrow his card for a while.

To WildWest: I think I´m going to learn the GTK libraries, but I´m going to research a little bit more about them first. I´ve also found a free (and legal) book on the internet called Programming Linux Games. It´s a 450+ pages pdf file and, from what I´ve skimmed so far, it looks really good. I don´t have the URL here, but you can look it up on Google.

Thanks again to all of you for your replies!

--Ignacio Liverotti

Don''t even bother. Just use a generic VGA card setting on X. TNT2 is so dated that you won''t get many (if any) of the cool 3d features. For the time and the forseeable future, 3d in linux belongs to Nvidia.

quote: Original post by magnwa
TNT2 is so dated that you won''t get many (if any) of the cool 3d features.

I just want to get my 2D sidescroller (multiplatform, I hope) engine up and running.

quote: Original post by mangwa
For the time and the forseeable future, 3d in linux belongs to Nvidia.

Interesting. Do you have any idea why ATI does not support Linux?

Thanks for your reply!!

--Ignacio Liverotti

quote: Original post by magnwa
Just use a generic VGA card setting on X. TNT2 is so dated that you won''t get many (if any) of the cool 3d features.

I use a tnt2 ultra and there really IS a difference between the generic vga drivers and those provided by nvidia, even if they are aimed towards the geforce series. 3D acceleration works just fine if you don''t need fancy stuff and 2D performance is decent as well.
A tnt2 is not a speed daemon, but it does the job if gaming is not your first priority.

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