
Translate my name

Started by May 31, 2000 06:40 PM
19 comments, last by WhiteWolf 24 years, 9 months ago
Hi all. I was thinking - I really like my nick, but it''s also rather common. Can people suggest translations of it? I want to see how it looks (and sounds) in other languages. Regards, WhiteWolf
reminds me of some clanish name...

Captured Reality.
In Japanese you could have Byakuya Okami. Byakuya meaning white/arctic and Okami meaning wolf.

Thats how I chose my nickname Kazan means volcano, but the kanji are Fire and Mountain. Byakuya Okami has three kanji: White, night and wolf.

(BTW it''s pronounced Byah-Kuu-yah Oh-kah-mi)

-- Kazan - Fire Mountain Games --

''WhiteWolf'' would be something like ''HvidUlv'' in danish. But to get something really exotic you should try a name with one of the three danish special chars in it: ''æ'',''ø'' and ''å''. Like ''Harald Blåtand'' (BlueThooth in english).



In French: loup blanc
(loup is wolf, blanc is white)

In Latin: lupus niveus
(lupus is wolf, niveus is white or snowy)
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.
In swedish you nick would be ''vit varg'', ''vit'' = ''white'' and ''varg'' = ''wolf''

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If I''m not mistaken:

white = bianco (Italian) = blanco (Spanish) = branco (Portguese)

wolf = lupo (Italian) = lobo (Spanish and Portuguese)

I might be wrong with these ones though.
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.
hmm, in tiberian we call it "WW"

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
You could search for obscure translators.

In German:
White=Weiss, or Weiß (ß=ss)
In german, and many other languages, W''s are pronounced like V''s.

In Russian it''s Áåëûé Âîëê (You need a cyrillic font to see this)

You can search for online translators.

Greek: Άσπρα ροΰχα(white) Λΰκοσ(wolf)
Swahili: eupe (white) jibwa (dog, sorry no wolf)
Zulu: lungu, or, mhlophe (white) pisi (wolf)
Latin: albus (white) (sorry, my translator can''t find wolf, dog or wild beast in latin)

the translator I used was at

"YOU APES WANNA LIVE FOREVER?" Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
"Who wants to live forever?" Queen
"Never trust a bald barber" me
In Estonian its Valge Hunt
In russian its belaja volka.
In finnish valkoinen susi.


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