
Tutorial 20

Started by April 16, 2003 02:32 AM
2 comments, last by Brian Jones 21 years, 10 months ago
I just finished tutorial 20, and was wondering how do you create the masks? I mean, what app do you use? Are there any tutorials on it?
I don't have a signature
it''s just another image.. I don''t really see too much of an issue with that...

in photoshop, for example, you could just take the existing image, assuming it''s bright dark and the masked area black, and just scale the gamma way up until the mask area is black, and everything else is white...
I''d suggest you look at the tga loading tutorial.. where the textures have an alpha channel.. This is effectivly exactly like a mask, but done in 1 pass, with 1 texture, and does not need blending (glAlphaFunc / GL_ALPHA_TEST). (hence is much faster)

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Bright dark? I dont understand.
I followed the explanation at the end of the tutorial. Turned the contrast way up, and the brightness fully down, and the whole image became black.
I don't have a signature
If I were you I''d take RipTorn''s advice and use a format that has an alpha channel, like tga or png.

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