Hello i am a Visual c++ programmer and Win32 api lover (hate mfc, is gay)sorry for the info, i start to read NeHe tutorial on OpenGL Tutorial, isn't the hard to program with opengl is alot easier then the damn Directx, anyways when he gets to the part to create window he said "I decided the user friendly Window with a lot more code would be the best choice", well i would like the code for fixed fullscreen i take the lazy way out
. could someone tell me what i need to change on his code to use fullscreen only instead of "Friendly Windows" , you problably going to say what wrong with windows mode, just to much coding and i am going to remember every inportant codes, so i don't have to go through reference if i forget some code..
thank you for taking time to read my post . bye for now
[edited by - Directx_Hater on April 15, 2003 11:31:21 PM]

April 15, 2003 10:49 PM
His framework supports BOTH windowed AND fullscreen. So take out the Windowed part and make it work as if fullscreen was always specified.
Thank you for replying, but i didn''t understand what you meant can you be little bit specific if you can.
My suggestion is this...
Until your program is ready to be tested, stay with the windowed screen, its a lot easier to debug...
But where the basecode says, "Do you want to run full screen"
Instead of the message box, just make it always return yes(true).
that way, if you need to debug, the code is already there to switch it to windowed mode
Until your program is ready to be tested, stay with the windowed screen, its a lot easier to debug...
But where the basecode says, "Do you want to run full screen"
Instead of the message box, just make it always return yes(true).
that way, if you need to debug, the code is already there to switch it to windowed mode
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn
April 15, 2003 11:10 PM
most of nehe''s code contains a global boolean called fullscreen or something, just make sure it is always true, or take out any code that sets it to false.
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