
Texture Handling

Started by April 15, 2003 06:03 AM
0 comments, last by stylus 21 years, 10 months ago
Hi there. I have got following problem. I have a 640x480 sized Screen which I would like to be placed via Quads and Orth View on my screen. Now I come into the 256x256 problem. I want to support older GFX cards. Is there a texture handler which can load my 640x480 picture and split it automatically along several texture pages?

if it really is important that you retain a 640x480 image on old hardware (very little hardware now days only supports 256x256 textures) then you will need to break your image up into 4 256x256 images, and 2 128x256 images. This will leave some blank pixels on 3 of the images, but thats not really too much of an issue (ie, you end up with a 640x512 image)

having 2 images, 1 512x512, and 1 128x512 would be a better bet, in my book anyway.

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[edited by - RipTorn on April 15, 2003 7:45:05 AM]

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