delete && new || realloc( ) ??
What is the best/fastest? First deleting and then allocating with new, or just reallocating the space with realloc()?
Oh, and btw, can I use realloc with new/delete? Or is there another operator?
I''m sorry to trouble you all, but I should really just google for it before I ask... Well, this time I googled for the answer right after I asked the question here, and found the answer right away!
I''ll try loking a little next time
I''ll try loking a little next time

Ok, I should probably google as well but I''m just curious, does realloc work with new/delete?
"If all else fails, lower your standards."
Oh, and btw, can I use realloc with new/delete?
Not in the way you are thinking. STL containers are usually the answer.
Or is there another operator?
Placement new. Deep magic.
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Not in the way you are thinking. STL containers are usually the answer.
Or is there another operator?
Placement new. Deep magic.
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