Ok sorry, ill explain more.
What i first wanted was very simple collision detection (Not efficient i know, but dont care either, just a simple crappy game). So what i do was get a square and treat it like a circle with radius etc.... then add the summ of the radii and if they are less then the disteance between the 2 objects then they are colliding. I posted a thread about that and someone told me that way. Its crap, i know, but im happy with it

That only works great for a square (cause all sides are equal, therefore, the "radius" is equal). If i have a rectangle, its more difficult cause the its got different size lengths etc... So what i want is to use a square to draw my car and then map an image into it, but the image looks sqaushed and crap (cause its a square). I want to know if there is a way to map an image into the square "the way it is" i.e. without being stretched to fit the square etc...So just map the image the way it looks like in the center of the square for example.