S3 drivers are poor. There''s a reason that such hardware is cheap.
Now, WinME doesn''t make it better. It doesn''t have a real kernel, so it can''t clean up after applications that quit poorly, or when you shift-F5 to quit debugging. Try upgrading your Windows version -- assuming you can find an S3 driver for WinXP.
Crash when re-opening OpenGL Windows
Thanks again for the input, guys.
For the moment, I''m just delivering an application that runs in a maximized window, which is good enough for their purposes for now.
I''ve tried upgrading the driver. The one on the machine claims to be version 5.30.xxx, and Gateway''s website lists one that claims to be 7.12.xxx. Though, both are older than the machine and in fact seem to possibly be the same. Windows 2k, of course, always "finds a better driver" - which is the one already installed - and prefers to reinstall that rather than the one I''ve specified. But, I can force the new one to install by removing all copies of the old from the hard drive, and see no change in behavior; the crash persists.
There''s a slightly newer one downloadable from S3''s website, but it won''t install under any circumstances.
We will try upgrading the machine to WinXP next week sometime; a driver for it is available.
I personally think they should just upgrade to a newer, higher-quality machine if they''re trying to do critical scientific research on it, but that can be a hard sell to a low-budget client.
As always, I really appreciate the advice and suggestions. If I can repay any of you with advice or expertise about mysql/php, or Mac OS X, drop me a line.
(My usual dig is web development and mac consulting. These guys are friends who couldn''t find anyone else local to write this app for them who didn''t want to charge $t00muchmoney. I needed the cash and had been looking for an excuse to learn OpenGL anyway. It''s actually been a lot of fun aside from this driver bug! GL is great stuff and these NeHe tutorials kick ass...)
For the moment, I''m just delivering an application that runs in a maximized window, which is good enough for their purposes for now.
I''ve tried upgrading the driver. The one on the machine claims to be version 5.30.xxx, and Gateway''s website lists one that claims to be 7.12.xxx. Though, both are older than the machine and in fact seem to possibly be the same. Windows 2k, of course, always "finds a better driver" - which is the one already installed - and prefers to reinstall that rather than the one I''ve specified. But, I can force the new one to install by removing all copies of the old from the hard drive, and see no change in behavior; the crash persists.
There''s a slightly newer one downloadable from S3''s website, but it won''t install under any circumstances.
We will try upgrading the machine to WinXP next week sometime; a driver for it is available.
I personally think they should just upgrade to a newer, higher-quality machine if they''re trying to do critical scientific research on it, but that can be a hard sell to a low-budget client.
As always, I really appreciate the advice and suggestions. If I can repay any of you with advice or expertise about mysql/php, or Mac OS X, drop me a line.
(My usual dig is web development and mac consulting. These guys are friends who couldn''t find anyone else local to write this app for them who didn''t want to charge $t00muchmoney. I needed the cash and had been looking for an excuse to learn OpenGL anyway. It''s actually been a lot of fun aside from this driver bug! GL is great stuff and these NeHe tutorials kick ass...)
business: www.lrdesign.compersonal: www.idahoev.com
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