

Started by April 07, 2003 10:36 PM
1 comment, last by kevingpo 21 years, 10 months ago
Ok. I have been developing an opengl game under linux platform via the SDL API with no problems so far. Am considering cross-platforming to windows platform aswell. I just installed VisualC++, SDLdevel4Win, and the NVidia OpenGL SDK (from their website). I had a look at the NVidia OpenGL SDK and it seems it''s far different from the standard OpenGL specs (or really the file names differ). For eg. they don''t have a gl.h or glu.h. They''ve got several files beginning with glh_.h. They do have glut.h though. I''ve written my program with respect to standard opengl tutorials using gl.h and glu.h. Am wondering is there a OpenGL SDK out there for Windows which can give me gl.h and glu.h?
Correct me if I am wrong.

You don't need a software development kit(SDK) to program with OpenGL. What you need is the latest drivers for your video card and the basic gl header files and lib files. Visual C++ already comes with these. All you need to do is link the right lib files to your project and include the headers.

I am guessing the SDK you downloaded, is a layer put on top of the actual OpenGL to symplify initialization and control of OpenGL. Sort of Like SDL.....I think.

[edited by - snisarenko on April 7, 2003 12:50:14 AM]
gl.h or glu.h are included by VC++! You dont need the SDK. It only gives you some sourcecode.

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