
Direct Show Tutorial

Started by April 07, 2003 06:34 AM
8 comments, last by arkansas 21 years, 10 months ago
Hey.. I''m looking for a Direct Show Tutorial. To be more precise I need one how to set it up to play a mp3 file. Is somebody out there who has some answers..!?!? I didn''t find any on the net. Pretty weired.. Would be happy about some addresses. arkansas

I kept searching the internet and what I found was recommends on Vorbis OGG. Now I'm looking for Vorbis tuts. I didn't find any yet. Anybody who worked with it before? If so plz give me some sites with tutorials on Vorbis (playing mp3 file).

Thanks in Advance


[edited by - arkansas on April 7, 2003 1:11:26 PM]
Original post by arkansas
I kept searching the internet and what I found was recommends on Vorbis OGG. Now I''m looking for Vorbis tuts. I didn''t find any yet. Anybody who worked with it before? If so plz give me some sites with tutorials on Vorbis (playing mp3 file).

Two comments...look at:
Ogg Vorbis Site
Ogg Vorbis can fairly easily be decoded down to WAV, which is typically what I then feed to DirectSound. I don''t know how much DirectShow/Play/Monkey/etc will help. There are some pretty nifty functions in there...

However! FMOD is easy, and pretty damn neat. If you''re making something free by all means go for it.

- sighuh?
- sighuh?
Thanks.. I will go for it for sure..

But I don''t get what you mean with converting it to wav. Thats what I try to avoid using wav because its to big of size.

I was thinkin if a way to play the ogg files directly.

What redragon means is that before playing the sound,
you must provide DirectSound with RAW data, and it''s exactly
what a wav file is : RAW data !

There is no problem, only solutions...
ohh.. I see..

So I still use ogg, or s3m format, but before it will be send to directsound it will be convertet to wav.. Did I get you right??
Original post by arkansas
ohh.. I see..

So I still use ogg, or s3m format, but before it will be send to directsound it will be convertet to wav.. Did I get you right??

Yeah...I should have explained. You basically decode ogg/vorbis into wav format in memory, then that gets played.

- sighuh?
- sighuh?
cool.. so I was right.. Now I''m looking for a tutorial about the script work. Can you help me with that too??

Original post by arkansas
cool.. so I was right.. Now I''m looking for a tutorial about the script work. Can you help me with that too??

Define script work.

- sighuh?
- sighuh?
Well.. how to set it up. I don''t know nothing about it. When you first started and you wanted to load a texture.. this kind of tutorial..



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