
Quaternion to Euler Angles

Started by April 07, 2003 01:55 AM
0 comments, last by nitzan 21 years, 10 months ago
So I am having some issues converting from a quaternion to euler angles. I converted the Quaternion to a matrix and then used the following equations: angle.x = -atan(matrix[9]/matrix[10]); angle.y = -asin(-matrix[8]); angle.z = -atan(matrix[4]/matrix[0]); Where matrix[16] is a 4-dimensional matrix created from my quaternion. If I rotate my object around the X or Y axis (or both), the angles get converted back correctly. But whenever I rotate around the Z axis AND the X or Y (or both) I get the wrong values back. Any ideas ? Nitzan ------------------------- -------------------------
Regardless of whether or not your equation is right, you should not use atan(a/b), but atan2(a,b).

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