
Texture problem

Started by April 02, 2003 01:29 PM
24 comments, last by pleja 21 years, 10 months ago
Yah its the white sopts.

As for the model format, its one i came up with. Its an optimized version of the milkshape file format - same extension but different format. The optimized format cuts the file size is about half (removes all the editing stuff) and the new file cant be opened with milkshape. Makes it a bit harder for people to steal your work - but not impossible.

If you want to check it out download

Thanks pleja, for using my code, btw. Im supprised that you are willing to trust me that much
Hehe, I''m always open for new stuff.
Anyway, as you can see in code all I use are your functions. Are you sure that it works ok? Besides, it''s not just white spots, where did teeth disappear?
Could you do some more shots at different angles? It looks almost like the teeth have been alpha tested out, but then again maybe the teeth arent modelled, how about a flat shaded non-textured shot?
As you can see teeth are there:

Anyway, new version is uploaded including the executable. Same link.
You can rotate along the x and y axis using keys: u, h, j, k. Also you can translate along the z axis with keys: i, l. You can zoom that way. I also added some light to make things easier.

Anyone knows what's the problem???

P.S. Why doesn't [img] work?

[edited by - pleja on April 5, 2003 7:51:30 AM]
I''ve been using this code for a while so it should be solid. Its the same code that i used for my mini demo in the contest (its the fish one ) just tweaked a little bit.

You mean the white teeth? Im sure its a texturing problem. To fix it all you have to do is either flood fill the white portion of the texture with brown or retexture the model in milkshape and export it again. Here are a few more shots of the skull whose texture i flood filled:

Skull Teeth

as you can see the teeth are still there and the white is gone.

Just wondering, whats the demo going to be about? Looks interesting
Oh well, thanks for help. I'll just put camera under some wierd angle .
I'm making animation. This is just testing of your library . I guess I'll ask all of you for your oppinion soon with entire demo availible for download.

Speaking about animations...
Any advices on camera positioning and angle...moving through space...what's the easiest way to to implement it so animation looks good?

[edited by - pleja on April 5, 2003 11:35:58 AM]

[edited by - pleja on April 5, 2003 11:37:45 AM]

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