
how do you make a mirror?

Started by April 02, 2003 04:14 AM
2 comments, last by paulbird 21 years, 11 months ago
A. Is there a simple way to make a flat mirror in openGL - how about a spherical mirror. B. What about a lens? C. What if I wanted to draw a virtual world with a virtual computer in openGL and on the screen of that computer is the same virtual world?
Original post by paulbird
A. Is there a simple way to make a flat mirror in openGL - how about a spherical mirror.

B. What about a lens?

C. What if I wanted to draw a virtual world with a virtual computer in openGL and on the screen of that computer is the same virtual world?

Render everything 2 times.
First the reflection (the the original geometry mirrored, for example glScalef(1,-1,1)), then a transperent polygon as the mirror surface and finally the "real" geometry.

For spherical mirrors you need to use cube maps or environment mapping.

Refractions are hard to do. Cube maps might work.

Render the scene in to a texture and use that texture as the computer screen.
Have you got any example code of environment mapping such as sphere-mapping or cube-mapping? I''m not sure I understand exactly how that all works.
Nehe has a spheremapping tutorial on this site, you could try that

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