if the wall is stright to your angle (should not effect the angle itself) it should not have any problem :
/ / /
so for this example let issume the ball is moving on the z axi and on the x axi.
if you checked the collision and find out that the ball hit the wall because you increase the Z. you should invert the Z speed (for example -ZSpeed)
if you checked the collision and find out the ball hit the wall because you increase the X. you should invert the X speed.
the more complicated collision is :
/| / | / | |
this is the same idea as yours but this time the wall is angeld.
so the speed of the X should be reduced by the angle of the wall.
this time you should know what angle is your wall.
It isnt so hard to implement , but this is just the begining

[edited by - B00Zagl0 on April 2, 2003 8:11:40 AM]