Urgent,NeedHelp! Lesson 10-Moving around 3D world
Hi, I really new in OpenGL.I run the lesson10 in VBopenGL. I have some doubts here:
1)I cant add more triangles in sectors. How can I add more triangles to make more sectors?Is it affected by this code:
int numtriangles; // Number Of Triangles In Sector
char oneline[255]; // String To Store Data In
readstr(filein,oneline); // Get Single Line Of Data
sscanf(oneline, "NUMPOLLIES %d\n", &numtriangles); // Read In Number Of Triangles
2) How can I apply different texture mapping in different sector?
If anyone still do not understand the actual circumstances,you can leave a message for me to send more details in next message. I really urgent in case,your help would be very appreciate
By lesson 10, code is covered to create multiple textures. To apply different textures to different sectors, just bind the texture ID before renderer (i.e. us glBindTexture).
To add more triangles, increase the number of the "NUMPOLIES" line in World.txt and then add more triangle data.
Why exactly is this so urgent?
//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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To add more triangles, increase the number of the "NUMPOLIES" line in World.txt and then add more triangle data.
Why exactly is this so urgent?
//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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