
Sending a game concept/proposal to a publisher...?

Started by March 21, 2003 06:28 AM
10 comments, last by Scrow 21 years, 11 months ago
Thanks to everyone who replied with useful information, it'll really help me out further down the track.

"Remember to just put this message with your proposal "plz don't copy my idea I wunt monay"

I don't have a proposal. I was just asking a hypothetical question.

edit: Hey thanks Michalson, those links provided invaluable information.

[edited by - Scrow on March 21, 2003 11:21:37 PM]
I like stories...
Personally, here''s my advice.

If you''re not old enough to be employed by the company, forget it, otherwise...

Take the list of companies you wish to sell your idea to, get their phone number, call them up, and convince them you''re worthy of an interview. If you''re not worthy of an interview, don''t bother. If you are, ignore their request that you send in a resume as opposed to calling them, and call them and convince them that they want to interview you for the purposes of hiring you.
"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
ALU - SHRDLU - WORDNET - CYC - SWALE - AM - CD - J.M. - K.S. | CAA - BCHA - AQHA - APHA - R.H. - T.D. | 395 - SPS - GORDIE - SCMA - R.M. - G.R. - V.C. - C.F.

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