
Speeding Up an Octree

Started by March 21, 2003 05:53 AM
1 comment, last by Lukerd 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I''ve just finished adding octree culling to my engine and it seems to be working fine, the problem is if I face a direction with alot of nodes the frame rate plummets from around 80fps to about 15. Could anyone point me to some method of speeding up the octree? Thanks Lukerd Hyperdev
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
well, not only should you have frustum culling, but you should also have back face culling so polygons the are behind others shouldn''t be seen. this is another good use for an octree since you can take out nodes of polys at a time. this won''t guarantee a huge speedup, but it should help.
also, how are you rendering stuff? you could probably optimize there aswell.

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I have a similar prob, but i do have frust cull and back face cull. Im trying to work on the occlusion now

btw, code ur engine as if it was to run on a low end PC, the pII ppl out there will ty u

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