
MS sez 'Honesty pays!'

Started by May 25, 2000 01:05 AM
18 comments, last by abe_bcs 24 years, 3 months ago
Whoof!! I tried Opera, and man! does it rip!!
Absolutely great!! (believe me when I say that''s the first time I''m using so many exclamation marks!!!)

Too bad its shareware...

face="Times New Roman" size="6">/color="#5C5C5C">\ \color="#777777">/color="#888888">\color="#999999">/ color="#AAAAAA">/color="#BBBBBB">\ color="#CCCCCC">|color="#DDDDDD">< color="#EEEEEE"><color="#FFFFFF">-
/ // / |< <-
Somewhere in some sort of settings thing there is something that says: run internet explorer in a seperate process

If you check this it takes away some of the integration of IE w/windows or something. I guess IE actually replaces windows explorer (not literally I know explorer is still there) but if you check that then it undoes it and helps make your system more stable. It helped mine alot.

Just another example of fixing something that aint (terribly) broke from microsoft

--after two days without programming, life becomes meaningless

I am still running win95 OSR 1 and internet explorer 3, so I don''t have to worry about that. Hahahahaha, fools, you thought an upgrade would make it better, but it has destroyed you. Hahahaahahahahaaaaaa
actually since i upgraded to IE 5.5 BETA it hasn''t crashed yet!!!!

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
>> IE is the best there is though unfortunately. Netscape really does suck . At least explorer is free. <<

Netscape isn't free?? That's odd. Then I must be using a warez version of it... Just kidding, Netscape IS free, the developers have even released the source (check out And why is IE better than NS?

/. Muzzafarath
Mad House Software

Edited by - Muzzafarath on June 3, 2000 12:25:33 PM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
quote: And why is IE better than NS?
NS does not support Secure password authentication for one ; you can take advantage of IE functionality in some of your apps eg linking you apps to external resource , two........... I could go on </b> <br><br>There are only four types of men , RichMan , PoorMan , BeggarMan , Thief……..
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
quote: Original post by Muzzafarath

And why is IE better than NS?

Have you ever written any HTML / java-script / other web client side language? To get your website looking nice / working under NS is pretty hard. Under NS my logo image refuses to tuck itself into the corner of the screen - IE did it first round when i wrote the code... I agree that IE is more unstable though. Plus there's alot more java-script that is IE specific, you netscape users are missing out on some funky effects


Edited by - jumble on June 3, 2000 5:05:30 PM
I still got IE4 i had 5 for awhile but it musta had one of those boxes shown at the top =)
i havent had an IE problem for a long time since i reverted to IE4.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
>> Have you ever written any HTML / java-script / other web client side language? To get your website looking nice / working under NS is pretty hard. Under NS my logo image refuses to tuck itself into the corner of the screen - IE did it first round when i wrote the code... I agree that IE is more unstable though. <<

I've made around 8 or 9 websites using HTML and they all looked nice and worked under both NS and IE. My current website (link at the end of this message) doesn't look very good though, but that's because I haven't put a lot of work into it

>> Plus there's alot more java-script that is IE specific, you netscape users are missing out on some funky effects <<

I'd rather use NS instead of IE, even if I miss out on some funky effects

/. Muzzafarath
Mad House Software

Sic faciunt omnes - Everyone does it.

Edited by - Muzzafarath on June 4, 2000 10:15:32 AM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I like IE, because it loads faster. I''m always clicking IE on and off. A good thing about Netscape though, it''s the only one that will let me log in a java security package we have over here.
"If you build it, it will crash."

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