
C Builder or Visual C++

Started by March 19, 2003 07:19 PM
0 comments, last by YellowHippy 21 years, 11 months ago
I think my subject says it all. What is better to use Borland C Builder or Microsoft Visual C++. Thanks, CHris
honestly it''s personal preference. Obviously your gonna get way more compatibility with visual c++, the compiled exe are usually pretty small (think around 50k or less, from what i''ve seen). As for borland, you get the same end result as vc++ but depending on your compiler options you may get a 50k or less file or a bloated 300k file. from my own personal experience with borland c++ builder 4, you had to include a bunch of dlls to get the exe to work on another system, if you didn''t want to lug around the dlls you had to compile it with all these options to include all the dlls in your exe, creating a large exe file for a "hello world" program. If you wana be legit but don''t have the cash forget vc++. i know borland has a free command line compiler which i have never used, so i can''t give you any feedback on that. personnaly i''ve turned to the free compilers or front ends. i first started using lcc-win32 which is great for small fast c programs. notice i said c, it does not work with c++. I eventually wanted to create c++ classes so i had to find another free compiler. i tried a few, watcom, cygwin. didn''t like either of them, watcom had a very poor interface which didn''t seem logical to me. as for cygwin, huge a** download if you want to download everything and i again didn''t like the interface the instant i loaded the program. Now i currently use Dev-C++ which i find is awsome for a free program. this is just a front end (very nice front end) for the MinGW command line compiler. Dev-C++ has a similar interface as vc++, personnaly i find it alot nicer than vc++. the exe size for dev-c++ ends up being the same size as vc++ with a few tweaks to the compiler (about 3 options).
Honestly i would go with Dev-c++ (, but that''s my oppinion.

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