
Small Poly vs Big Poly

Started by March 17, 2003 05:06 AM
2 comments, last by RealityMonster 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi Sounds like a silly doubt, but here goes.. Is there a performance difference between rendering a small polygon and a big polygon assuming: they are textured the same both are fully visible in the frustrum i ask the question because in my app, the viewer is in a room of height 10m and his eye is at 5m. will it be faster if the room is say 5m and eye is at 2.5? thanks
no, as long as they take up the same size on the screen.
This might be a coincidence, but my fps went up by about 40% after I enabled mipmapping for all of my textures.

Also, smaller texture-file sizes increase your FPS (but, of course, lower the picture quality).
depends if your fill-rate bound. Video cards can only draw X pixels/second, less so if you use complex blending. Thus, if you draw a polygon that takes up the entire screen then it will likly be slower than one that takes up 10 pixels. But otherwise scale has virtually no effect.

as for using mipmapping, thats true, when a texture is bigger than the area it''s getting mapped to, you get high ''pixel strides'' where consecutive pixels on screen are a significant number of texture pixels (texels) apart. This is a bad situation to be in as a large amount of memory is skipped over, making memory usage very inefficient.
If larger textures really are slower than smaller really depends on the hardware though.

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