
Generating Triangle Strips from random objects

Started by March 15, 2003 06:53 AM
2 comments, last by Lyve 21 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I''m currently rendering my scene with single triangles, which is quite slow. My problem: I render random objects where I don''t know which faces I can render with triangle strips. Does someone know a solution? Lyve _____________________________________ Visit for finest trance music, studio, bio, guestbook and more!
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NVIDIA has a NVtristrip library that lets you strip an arbitrary mesh. Go take a look at you should find it easily since they''re pretty proud of that library that almost everyone uses.
if your triangle list is well ordered, ie, taking good advantage of vertex caching, it should be no slower, if not faster, than a single triangle strip with duplicate indicies. This is my experience anyway.

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Are you sure that the limiting factor is your vertex transform rate? Have you tried culling your scene(occlusion, frustum, etc)? Are you sure you''re GPU bound?

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