
Real Networks Announces $100k Downloadable Game Development Contest

Started by March 14, 2003 10:49 AM
21 comments, last by titan2782 21 years, 11 months ago
Just a bit of news I thought everyone would enjoy Real Networks Announces $100k Downloadable Game Development Contest Real Networks called for entries in its new "RealOne Arcade Game Developer Showdown" today at the Games Developers Conference, promising a $100,000 prize to the winner. Entries will be accepted starting July 1, 2003 through July 31, 2003 with the winners announced near the end of August. The grand prize winner will receive $100,000 and be featured in the Realone Arcade while 2 runners up will be awarded $25,000. All entrants may have the opportunity to have their game distributed through Realone Arcade. More details can be found at Dustin Davis Owner / CEO Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Just wish someone would make a contest "best concept get a $X dev contract"... problem for small independant developers is getting the funding needed to actually create a game.
Thats funny, I need no funding to create a game. I dont understand what the cost comes from? I can see if you needed to quit your job and work on it 24/7 while paying your bills. If you can not find someone to do the work you need for free then thats a shame. Personally I do all my own work, which i stupid. I do admit, I coudl use a graphics designer

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Of course it''s not impossible to make a game, but my point is that to make a resonably good game in a resonable timeframe you WILL need money (in either case it will make it a whole lot easier). The thing is, there are A LOT of very good independant developers being dragged down by the lack of money (and now I''m not really particulary talking about people like you who does this as a "hobby". If only ONE of those would get enough money to finish their game it''s a huge win for all of us.

I''ve been around the game development industry a long time and at the moment me and a my coworker are working as contractors (to "pay the bills". However we of course have a game of our own in the works too. It''s just slightly frustrating to KNOW you could get it done in 3-4 months (and that''s not just a fantasy, it''s facts based on our experience with working on other peoples games) if we just had a tiny bit of more money.
stupid smilies.... replace all of them with )
THe contest rules state that all works must be owned by the contestant. Which compiler can we use that will agree with these conditions?
Original post by Anonymous Poster
THe contest rules state that all works must be owned by the contestant. Which compiler can we use that will agree with these conditions?

Huh? What compiler has a license that says the complied programs are owned by anyone other than whoever owns said license to the program!?

NO ONE would use such compiler.
Compiler has nothing to do with it. They mean all your content, you cant use something that someone else has copyright on.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
The rules are unusually developer-friendly compared to other contests like that : not only do you keep the rights to your entry (section 4), but only grant them distribution rights for a limited time (section 7c).

My cynical self is impressed.

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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Why dont we all try to win the prize for NeHe? It could be a community project on the site. NeHe moderates. He tells us what he needs and we create it and send it in. Then he updates the site. I''ve got the summer off and i know two other graphics artists who might be interested in helping as well...the only thing we need is a game concept.

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