They may license the engines, and the makers of the engines rake in the bucks for licensing them, but the games themselves can still fail. It may be successful for the engine makers, but not the game makers.
And if the game makers go under, there won't be any games to play, even if the engines are absolutely awesome.
I have an idea for an adventure game based on discovery (I'm going to try it out in DnD first and see how I can adapt it).
I'm still dabbling with the idea of a combined command station/rts/fog of war, but that one's going to be a lot of work, especially with AI.
It's taking me forever just to get some collision detection going between a circle and some polygons such that it can get stuck in a corner. I know how to do it, I just need to do it.
The ambition would come a lot easier if there were more games nowadays that catered to and encouraged our imaginations as game makers. Doom, X-Wing, StarCraft, Descent and Battlezone helped do that for me. Diablo 2 ended up being solid brain candy, and addiction took over imagination. Online games are starting to cater to the trends of online relationships instead of the game itself. And you're right, hot graphics are taking over as the attention getters.
We need true immersion and imagination again instead of just game makers that are looking to feed the cattle to make a more stable buck.
[edited by - Waverider on March 13, 2003 11:40:33 AM]
Great news for everyone...
I share the same view with people who found that actual games are not really interesting(one of the reason I choose to skip this generation). Frankly, even some GPU like Nvidia TNT2 are into pushed to their limits. I have some idea to make a racing game. However, due to its ambitious nature and my low level on gaming development I focus to the basic model.
BTW: for people who are in Vancouver, we have a gamedev meetup on Tuesday March 18th on Nelson Cafe, Nelson/Granville corner. You can sign on
BTW: for people who are in Vancouver, we have a gamedev meetup on Tuesday March 18th on Nelson Cafe, Nelson/Granville corner. You can sign on
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