
Covention followed for specifying the vertices of primitives

Started by March 13, 2003 12:09 AM
0 comments, last by inrecovery 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi There! I am wondering if there is any specified convention to be used when specifying the vertices of primitives like polygons etc. I am new to this forum and hence don''t really know if NeHe explains this in a tutorial(I am on 5 at the moment) In Tutorial #2 he says:
By drawing in a clockwise order, the square will be drawn as a back face. Meaning the side of the quad we see is actually the back. Objects drawn in a counter clockwise order will be facing us. Not important at the moment, but later on you will need to know this.
He draws the triangles in CC rotation and C for qaud and in Tutorial #5 he says:
Note that all triangles are drawn in a counterclockwise rotation. This is important, and will be explained in a future tutorial, for now, just know that it''s good practice to make objects either clockwise or counterclockwise, but you shouldn''t mix the two unless you have a reason to. He draws the triangles and the quads in CC rotation.
Questions are: 1)Can you mix up the convention for different primitives?ex.draw all triangles in CC and quads in c direction or do ALL have to follow the same direction? 2)In which tutorial is this explained further?I guess its gonna be quite a while before I reach that.........but still...its best to know ..perhaps someday I will get to that...he Thanks so much, "Recovering Thinker" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn from the mistakes of others. You can''t live long enough to make them all yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CCW is generally best because that causes the face normal to point ''towards'' you when you calculate them. This makes the mesh looks right when you do backface culling and lighting.

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