Hi There!
I am wondering if there is any specified convention to be used when specifying the vertices of primitives like polygons etc.
I am new to this forum and hence don''t really know if NeHe explains this in a tutorial(I am on 5 at the moment)
In Tutorial #2 he says:
By drawing in a clockwise order, the square will be drawn as a back face. Meaning the side of the quad we see is actually the back. Objects drawn in a counter clockwise order will be facing us. Not important at the moment, but later on you will need to know this.
He draws the triangles in CC rotation and C for qaud
and in Tutorial #5 he says:
Note that all triangles are drawn in a counterclockwise rotation. This is important, and will be explained in a future tutorial, for now, just know that it''s good practice to make objects either clockwise or counterclockwise, but you shouldn''t mix the two unless you have a reason to.
He draws the triangles and the quads in CC rotation.
Questions are:
1)Can you mix up the convention for different primitives?ex.draw all triangles in CC and quads in c direction or do ALL have to follow the same direction?
2)In which tutorial is this explained further?I guess its gonna be quite a while before I reach that.........but still...its best to know ..perhaps someday I will get to that...

he he..lol
Thanks so much,
"Recovering Thinker"
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