NeHe Donations
Just out if interest, has anyone EVER Donated money to NeHe?
I mean he really needs it and i think he could do alot with it and it would take alot of stress off him...
I would donate money if i could, but i dont have a credit card.
Just trying to help NeHe out a little...
I totally agree, we should be supporting him more, he makes kick ass tutorials and it really does sound like he is having a really bad time at the moment. Only problem is that I am totally broke at the moment myself. As soon as I get any money I will make a donation.
Probably no conciliation to him at the moment but when this generation actually makes it big in the game industry, I am positive donations will be flooding in.
If Nehe reads this, sorry to hear about your computer problem I haven’t got a spare cpu but if you ever need a free hard disk give me a shout.
Probably no conciliation to him at the moment but when this generation actually makes it big in the game industry, I am positive donations will be flooding in.
If Nehe reads this, sorry to hear about your computer problem I haven’t got a spare cpu but if you ever need a free hard disk give me a shout.
Unfortunately, many of us (like me) are in our teens and don''t have a credit card / job, much less any extra money floating around. But then again, I imagine an equal many of us DO have jobs... Of course I may be totally wrong - it''s just my theory.
March 13, 2003 11:51 AM
Yeah, I donated right after he posted that his mom died. Never receieved any kind of a response, not even a quick email saying thanks. All he did was keep posting logs asking for more money.
I really do feel sorry for him, and it sounds like he''s having a terrible time, but
The rule above applies to me to, so...
Original post by Hawkeye3
Unfortunately, many of us (like me) are in our teens and don''t have a credit card / job, much less any extra money floating around.
The rule above applies to me to, so...
Personally I think that asking for charity on a website is sorta lame and I would never do it myself I don''t think. But I guess that since NeHe has given us all some place to unite and help eachother out maybe some small donations can be made. Even if you can only donate $5 thats still more than not donating at all. No one is saying here to donate your entire paycheck or anything of that sort, just small amounts here and there when you can spare it.
If everyone that visits his site donated $1-5 he would probably get close to $3000, because there is always around 150 people visiting the site daily.
Just some food for thought.
If everyone that visits his site donated $1-5 he would probably get close to $3000, because there is always around 150 people visiting the site daily.
Just some food for thought.
------------------------"If it says it loves me, how can it be a virus?"
Y''all are making me feel so frickin OLD man! 
I''m only 30 but y''all are talkin like yer a buncha teenagers - I''m surrounded by kids
. I''m jealous of y''all - when I was a teenager all I had to program games on was a Commodore 64 - shoot, if I''d had Pentium 4 processors and OpenGL back then I''d be ruling the world by now!
I donated to NeHe and I did get a thank you email - to the person who posted that he didn''t, I''m sure he appreciates the donation and was just either swamped busy or there was a mistake. I know I appreciate the hell out of this site.

I''m only 30 but y''all are talkin like yer a buncha teenagers - I''m surrounded by kids

I donated to NeHe and I did get a thank you email - to the person who posted that he didn''t, I''m sure he appreciates the donation and was just either swamped busy or there was a mistake. I know I appreciate the hell out of this site.
Love means nothing to a tennis player
My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)
Dont worry your still 31 and still am a kid... I remember the C64 days... Did you have fast hackem??? Punching holes in Fuji disks to make them double sided... I made my first text adventure on a commodore 64 in pure basic... I mean I must have had about 50 GOTO statements that just drove me crazy... I used to surf a bunch of BBS''s in those days too...when a flame war was held on a war board and I was a cosysop of like 5 or 6 BBS''s... Remember uploading for credits so could download games... Warez were rampant... Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!!
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