
Synchronized Music: streaming or mods?

Started by March 11, 2003 11:57 PM
9 comments, last by Cat_B 21 years, 11 months ago
I was wondering which is used the most? And if anyone knows of a tutorial on .mods for someone who knows next to nothing about music. Also, what "the" shareware editor for .mods is. I''m using FMOD and have figured out the streaming options (ie with .wav and mp3). It''s really a great api. And Cool Edit seems to do everything I need with wav files (ie inserting the markers etc) But I haven''t figured out the music options, ie with .mod files etc. And I feel that I''m getting really sidetracked with this. thanx
I use Fmod too and I think it''s great. As to using mp3 or mods, it depends on a few things and it is up to you to decide. If you want to have small size demos (including the data), then you might want to use mods since the file size is smaller. But if you want high quality music and don''t care about the file size, then go with mp3.

With streams or with music, you can synchronize your demo using the XXX_GetTime functions. FSOUND_Stream_GetTime() and FMUSIC_GetTime(). It returns the time in milliseconds since the song was started. You can then control your demo by checking the song time. That''s what I do myself and it works great.
Thanx for the response v_d_d. Maybe I''m making this too hard for myself and I should do as you do and just go by the running time. I was going to try to synchronize wrt the beats using the synchcallback functions, but I think I might need a music degree for that (j/k but its a whole new ballpark)
fmod is good but not that great , for example if you try to sync a mp3 through FSOUND you will most likely find , and I think this is also part of documentation , that FSOUND_GetCurrentPosition will not give you an accurate position of the playcursor , yeah there are many ways to do proper sync-ing , and on second though .... oh well , nevermind
---sorry for not using proper english , I'm from latin roots
Original post by lilKen
fmod is good but not that great , for example if you try to sync a mp3 through FSOUND you will most likely find , and I think this is also part of documentation , that FSOUND_GetCurrentPosition will not give you an accurate position of the playcursor , yeah there are many ways to do proper sync-ing , and on second though .... oh well , nevermind

If you use the GetTime functions, not the getPosition function, you will get perfect sync. I am doing it on a demo of mine and it works perfectly with mp3. Anyways, if someone knows a better free sound library, tell me.

does fmod works with win32 app like those in nehe''s tut?
I''m asking this because i tried a while back in an console app, and everythings went perfectly, then, i tried to make it work into one of nehe''s tutorial (the first one, i think) and i couldn''t get any sound to play. Maybe i did something wrong, eh

Well, i can''t post any code, since it was some time ago, but if you could help me/give me some tidbit, i''d appreciate greatly!
btw, is fmod equivalent with OpenAL?
Of course, it works perfectly with win32 opengl apps, console or windowed. I found it very easy to implement in my engine.

As for OpenAL, I never used it but it doesn''t look as user friendly as fmod. But thats only my opinion...
Cool! i''ll try that as soon as i get home

but is it the same thing to incorporate in console and win32 app? is there some difference or lib that differs or anything?
It works the exact same way
well this is awfully cool
everything is working fine
'cept i can only load one song at a time, because in my load() function, i put:

    load(char *SongName){  MP3ptr = FSOUND_Sample_Load(FSOUND_FREE, SongName, 0, 0);}    

so, if i try to load another song, it'll juste take the place of the first one

So is there a way i can have like an array of pointer, say
FSOUND_SAMPLE *MP3ptr[10]; ?

so that i can pass the number of the song i want to load?
load("MySong.mp3", 0);
load("MySecondSong.mp3", 1);

oh, and is there a way to loop the song?

[edited by - ErayMan on March 13, 2003 11:00:21 PM]

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