Math vs M.s. CS
Hey everyone,
I am currently finishing my third year of an honours software engineering degree. I am also finishing my second year of an honours math degree because of my clever choices in electives and the overlapping requirements for both programs. Anyways, as the end of the school year approaches and the possibility of completing university next year and getting a "real" job arises I have been doing some soul searching.
The main issue I am facing has been deciding between going for my Masters in Comp Sci or completing my honours math degree to end up with two BSc degrees. I read over and over again about how a good understanding in math is extremely important in graphics programming but what do the employers look for? (i.e. - what will get me hired!!) If I do my masters in comp sci I would most likely do my thesis on something in the AI field because it is interesting to me. What are the benefits of either approach. I realize that the decision ultimately lies with me but getting some advice never hurt anyone either.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don''t let anyone tell you any different! - Kurt Vonnegut
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