
When you need a team.

Started by May 22, 2000 05:52 PM
4 comments, last by wellman 24 years, 4 months ago
I have a project in the work and one day I will need to gather a number of talented individuals to come and be a part of my team. Now, I know I can Post a message on this board and get replies. I''ve seen it done before. For that matter It''s always beeing done. But how effective is it? Does it attract the skilled or mostley the unskilled? Please reply, this is something I would like cleared out and possibly others aswell. Also, any suggestion on other methods of attracting team members other then message boards would be greatley considered and noted. THX
What kind of team are you putting together?

It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm hungry!
I''d be glad to help...uh, no...wait, it better not be a 2D engine though. I am interested in a good project. My dev team (which is now only one other than me) is very slow, even for it''s size.

What kind of team?

Well... I was thinking around a couple programmers and a modeler. An artist isn`t really needed,I`m an Artist. The Game is 3D and It`s very Unique.

I would Be Gathering Tallented People to work on the DEMO to present to Producers. So I won`t be needing to much help. I would need to build an a new engine, create models and art, and create all the physics. Since it`s a demo, I will be focusing on the important elements and not worry too much about gfx. The models could be stick figures for all I care. So.. I think the most important would be to get a couple of Good programmers.

I hope this aswered your Q.
^^^^^^not anonymous --- WELLMAN^^^^^^
Sorry man, but the A-Team intro keeps popping into my head, every time I read your post. The A-Team is cool, no prob, just had to mention it.

Look me up, *if* I get a demo done for the current contest, and *if* I am still around when you get ready to present your design docs, etc. I am learning C++ right now, and a bit about OOP it graphics/game engines. I might actually have something eventually, if not it time for the contest.

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