
3DS Max 2.5 Loft Mapping

Started by May 22, 2000 04:37 PM
1 comment, last by Zly 24 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I need help with one thing. How can I preserve loft mapping after I add new UVW Mapping into modifier stack? I tried with different map channels but it doesn''t work. Thanks
Hi Zly !

I''m not sure, if I understood what you mean, but
I think, what you need is to select some special faces
with the modifier "MeshSelect" or "SelectMesh" or something
like that (I''m sorry, I''m having the german(urks) version of MAX 2.5)and then apply the UVW-Mapping-Modifier =>
only for the selected faces the mapping will change...

Hope that helps,
- - - - Sauk says, 'Loading is fun...'
Well, I understood what you mean, but that''s not what I need. What I need is that I want to have bump mapping (some lines) that will follow the lofted object, but diffuse map must be something like UVW Box 300*300*300. I hope that now is little clearer what I meant.

Thanks anyway bitbuster!

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