Logging system started.
Creating OpenGL Window.
Windowclass Registered.
Finding Suitable Pixelformat.
Pixelformat Found.
Pixelformat Set.
Rendering Context Successfully Created.
Rendering Context Successfully Activated.
Window Successfully Created!
Setting up OpenGL
Initializing extensions
Compiled Vertex Arrays supported.
Extensions initialized.
Initializing fonts.
Loading data/tex/font.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Fonts initialized.
Initializing DirectInput.
DirectInput device created.
Mouse device created.
Data format set for the mouse device.
cooperative level set for the mouse device.
Mouse device aqcuired.
Keyboard device created.
Data format set for the keyboard device.
cooperative level set for the keyboard device.
Mouse device aqcuired.
DirectInput initialized.
Loading world from Data/worlds/World.txt.
Loading Data/tex/stone.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Loading Data/tex/grass2.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Loading a Heightmap.
Loading the HeightMap from Data/maps/map1.raw
HeightMap loaded from file.
Computing normals for HeightMap.
Normals generated.
Creating Lightmap.
Lightmap generated.
Rescaling normals.
Normals were rescaled.
Generating texture for terrain.
scaling texture for terrain.
terrain texture generated.
Heightmap loaded.
Initializing terrainpatch.
Loading Data/tex/sky/sky.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
OpenGL initialized.
Entering main loop.
Exiting main loop.
Shutting Down...
Device Context Successfully Released
Window Class Unregistered.
Window Successfully Killed!
Destroying fonts.
Fonts succesfully destroyed
Shutting down DirectInput.
Keyboard unaqcuired.
Keyboard released.
Mouse unaqcuired.
Mouse released.
DirectInput device released.
DirectInput shut down.
Log succesfully shut down.
Logging system started.
Creating OpenGL Window.
Windowclass Registered.
Finding Suitable Pixelformat.
Pixelformat Found.
Pixelformat Set.
Rendering Context Successfully Created.
Rendering Context Successfully Activated.
Window Successfully Created!
Setting up OpenGL
Initializing extensions
Compiled Vertex Arrays supported.
Extensions initialized.
Initializing fonts.
Loading data/tex/font.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Fonts initialized.
Initializing DirectInput.
DirectInput device created.
Mouse device created.
Data format set for the mouse device.
cooperative level set for the mouse device.
Mouse device aqcuired.
Keyboard device created.
Data format set for the keyboard device.
cooperative level set for the keyboard device.
Mouse device aqcuired.
DirectInput initialized.
Loading world from Data/worlds/World.txt.
Loading Data/tex/stone.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Loading Data/tex/grass2.tga as a texture.
Image successfully loaded as texture.
Loading a Heightmap.
Loading the HeightMap from Data/maps/map1.raw
HeightMap loaded from file.
Computing normals for HeightMap.
Normals generated.
Creating Lightmap.
Lightmap generated.
Rescaling normals.
Normals were rescaled.
Generating texture for terrain.
scaling texture for terrain.
terrain texture generated.
Heightmap loaded.
Initializing terrainpatch.