
AUX_RGBImageRec missing?

Started by March 07, 2003 01:42 PM
1 comment, last by joelmartinez 21 years, 11 months ago
HI all, I''m going through nehe''s tutorials, and am on #6 right now. The key difference is that I''m using the NEHEGL SDL base code instead of the win32 flavor he uses in the tutorials. Everthings been going fine up until now when I pasted in the LoadBMP function (yes I took the time to understand the code instead of just copy/pasting, but when my version of the function didn''t work, I tried his with the same error) I get several errors, but I think they''re all connected to the following: error C2501: ''AUX_RGBImageRec'' : missing storage-class or type specifiers That being said, I''m unfortunately somewhat of a newbie to c++ having had most of my experience in business app development with VB6, and in the last year C#. Any help you could give me would be grand. Thanks! Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez
AUX_RGBImageRec belongs to glAux.
It is currently obsolete and you might aswell skip ahead to lesson 33 and do the tga loding tuturial.
It''s better than the generic bmp loader since you can use RLE compressed tga files.

good deal ... thank you very much ... I''ll try that out and post again if I have issues. :-)

Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez

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