Game Engine...
Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade
[size=1]"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...
[size=1]Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn't be in the games industry."
[size=2]- Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios
[size=1][GameDev][C++ Page][Unity Game Engine][Panda3D Game Engine][NeHe Productions][Drunken Hyena][MSDN][Beej's Guide to Network Programming]
[size=1][FreedBSD][My Site][Gamasutra][Khan Acadamey]
Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade
[size=1]"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...
[size=1]Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn't be in the games industry."
[size=2]- Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios
[size=1][GameDev][C++ Page][Unity Game Engine][Panda3D Game Engine][NeHe Productions][Drunken Hyena][MSDN][Beej's Guide to Network Programming]
[size=1][FreedBSD][My Site][Gamasutra][Khan Acadamey]

Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade
[size=1]"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...
[size=1]Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn't be in the games industry."
[size=2]- Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios
[size=1][GameDev][C++ Page][Unity Game Engine][Panda3D Game Engine][NeHe Productions][Drunken Hyena][MSDN][Beej's Guide to Network Programming]
[size=1][FreedBSD][My Site][Gamasutra][Khan Acadamey]
and they are working great easiest to understand programming tutorials i have ever read..
wtf. Don''t get me wrong NeHe your tuts cover some WICKED aspects and are generally cool but they are piss poorley coded.
Like slow?
Or hard to understand?
Or else?
If hard to understand, I learnt from them.
If slow, they tutorials to help understand
if else, they''re free!
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Piss poorly, how?
Like slow?
Or hard to understand?
Or else?
If hard to understand, I learnt from them.
If slow, they tutorials to help understand
if else, they''re free!

I think NeHe''s tuts are really good for learning... I learned from them too...
NeHe: I''m not a guru.
I hope GeForce FX is a joke

Excuse my poor english!
Engine->LoadWorld( "World.3ds" ); // Load the worldEngine->LoadModel( &BadGuy, "BadGuy.3ds" ); // Load the buy guy 3D modelEngine->LoadModel( &Player, "PlayerModel.3ds" ); // Load the player''s 3D model // Now populate the world with a bunch of bad guysfor( int n = 0; n < 32; n ++ ) Engine->AddEntity( &BadGuy, Vector.Random(), Vector.Random() );// and finally add the playerEngine->AddEntity( &Player, Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0) );
So that engine has a generic function ''LoadModel'' and you give that function parameters to load any model, as opposed to hard-coding it like writing a function "LoadBadGuyModel()".
All engines are are commonly used functions placed outside of the specific game itself. Then you can take that engine and use it in another game without rewriting everything.
NeHe does not use any engines in their tutorials -- everything is hard-coded. That is very good for learning but not good if you want to write a complete game.
~CGameProgrammer( ); - Post screenshots, comment on others.