
Game Development websites top 100!!!!!

Started by May 21, 2000 06:47 AM
8 comments, last by Bully 24 years, 4 months ago
I've noticed how many game development/programming websites are on the net. And I'm thinking of starting a top 100. If you have a development website you would be able to register a account. The most popular sites would be on the list obviously. This as many advantages to the webmasters of the sites, and it's vistors. These include the obvious traffic increase to those websites which deserve it. Being able to get to a good website with good resources without the crap. I was also thinking that the site could expand into other things. Like top 5 articles for the week and stuff like that. If you like post some more ideas. And help bring this community closer together. -David. Also if you have a development website and would like some more information. feel free to e-mail me. Edited by - bully on 5/21/00 7:03:26 AM
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
cmon people give me some ideas here. I don''t just mean webmasters to give me some ideas but everyone to give me some info. I''ve started to set everything up, and I was also wondering if would be able to support me
This is for your benefit people

" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Hey, sounds cool to me! I''m kinda surprised nothing like that exists yet though...

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
There have been a number of "Game Programming Top 50/100/whatever" lists over the past several years. They all just fizzle out, probably because the sites that really are the top don''t participate.
Yeah thanks for telling me that Rhino. I will try anyway, but I was wondering if the project looked professional enough would be willing to support me. I''m only trying to put something back into the community which has helped me achieve my dreams. I would of never of though I would be capable of making my own video games, and here I am doing that right now. Anyway enough about me. Anymore comments?

" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Sounds like a great idea to me. I''m surprised that others have failed, and would guess that this was due to lack of commitment rather than there not being a need for one.

I for one would welcome such a site.

Good luck Bully !!!

Top 100 game sites?
YAY now we get popups and voting banners on all our game sites

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
It sounds great, but I have to agree with m1dn1ght:

I hate all the stupid banners, popups and other useless irritating stuff, you always see on other top 100 pages!

If you''re really going to make this top100: please make it a clean, nice and respectable site!

A Top100-list would be really useful, but i think, it would be better, if an independent jury rated them.

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Andreas Mähler
Wolf359 Interactive
Well lucky for you people, there won''t be any click through popups etc. The Webmaster of the website will simply just add some HTML to the index.html page of their website. This will simply send a message to my website, registering their hit. You will proberly only have to add a button sized link to my page. I''m sorry I didn''t mention this before. And I''ve decided that a TOP 100 is way to much. A TOP 50 should do it for now. The independant jury idea is good, but not tangible at the minute.
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "

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