
C++/API/OpenGL librarys

Started by March 03, 2003 03:12 PM
1 comment, last by RanBlade 22 years ago
is there any place that you can look up the librarys like windows.h and gl.h and stuff and it would show all of the stuff inside with explanations? or just even show all of the fucntions and what calls they make and stuff... If i could find a place like this would make my understanding on a lot of stuff easier. I have looked online for some libraries but Iam not as good as searching things anymore as I use to be.. all i find are libraies that people created and what they do.... so if ya know of anyhting help me out. thanks

Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade

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Open the libraires and look at the functions. Then copy one into MSDN and it tells you what it does.

[edited by - xiros on March 3, 2003 6:29:33 PM]

hrm ... wonder why i didnt think of opening em lol... thanks had big brain fart there....

Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade

[size=1]"Passion is what drives you to stay up until 4am fixing that bug that hardly anyone would notice...

[size=1]Passion is where great games come from, if you dont live and breathe games you shouldn't be in the games industry."

[size=2]- Dave Pottinger, Ensemble Studios

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