
NeHe OpenGL Tutorials

Started by March 03, 2003 01:53 AM
1 comment, last by tmg 22 years ago
I can''t get even the first tutorials code to compile. I am using Visual C++ 6.0. Should I save the file as a .c or a .cpp file... I''ll give it a go and tell you guys how I went. If the program works all up by saving it as a .cpp file, then just ignore this. You''re free to write something if you like though. ____________________________ Everyone says that the world is corrupt. The World inside my head is more peaceful than this one.
____________________________Everyone says that the world is corrupt.The World inside my head is more peaceful than this one.
Humm...what did you do? Did you copy the tutorial to the VC++6.0 or did you donwloaded the sorce code??

If you donwloaded the source code, the troble maybe is because you downloadded the wrong source..

If you are doing it your self, is because you are forgeting something!!

If you post the compile errors would be cool!! and somno code too...

but in advance, as blind shots, I will try to say something taht cold help:
-start new Win32 project
-include libraries OpenGL32.lib and glu32.lib (#pragma comment(lib, "blabla.lib") )
-include windows.h *AFTER gl\gl.h or gl\glu.h
-chat if the window is sholy correctly...

once again, plz post the erros and what in fact is hapening!!

*My english is somekind of poor...
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl\gl.h> -> this is correct, altou I forgot the exact meaning of after and before in Portugues would be "windows.h antes do gl\gl.h"


Techno Grooves

[edited by - filami on March 3, 2003 7:57:17 AM]
Techno Grooves
i also have some tutorials at:

for your perusal if problems still persists....

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