
including .h files

Started by February 25, 2003 01:16 PM
1 comment, last by Marty666 22 years ago
hi all, This might sound stupid, and it probably is How do I include a file in MS VC++ 6.0 Without having to change the settings of the include directory for VC++ but just for one project. It doesn''t seem to automaticly include the directory the project and/or workspace are in Marty
_____ /____ /|| | || MtY | ||_____|/Marty
#include <stdio.h>
the <> tell the preprocessor to look in the standard place,
if you have a file include.h in your working directory, you want
#include "include.h"
The local directory should be included for #include files. If not you can manually add as many as you want by going to Project->Settings->C/C++->(category)Preprocessor->Additional Include Directories, and putting them there. This way you don''t have to change the include directory for VC++. Hope this helps.

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