
Alternative to MFC

Started by May 18, 2000 06:45 PM
9 comments, last by DarkMage139 24 years, 4 months ago
Has anyone ever tried to make an MFC alternative? Right now, I''m working on something similar. It doesn''t have as much stuff as MFC, and in fact they hardly resemble each other. My "API" has only, say, 5 to 10 percent of the original MFC functionality, everything else is original. Not to mention that since mine is meant for game programmers (MFC for game programmers... hmmm...), it''s designed to be a whole lot faster (it won''t slow down your framerate!). I''m just curious, since while MFC has some good points, nobody uses even those few things because it''s going to have so much overhead you can kiss fast framerates goodbye. P.S. My "API" is actually splintering away from MFC. In fact only a few of the classes look like MFC now. It may become a totally new and original API!!! - DarkMage139 "Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!" "Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
Sounds great, but I''m sticking with KFC. It just tastes better than MFC or its additives.
"If you build it, it will crash."
And again, let me ask you this question:
Where did you get that magical information that MFC introduces so much overhead that it will reduce your speed to a crawl?

MFC is NOT slow.
It simply has certain functions that have warnings attached to them that they might look simple, but perform a lot of processing internally.

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Al Stevens, in Dr. Dobb''s Journal is working on a framework class and discusses it in his column. He also recently released a new book that, I think, discusses the basic of a simple framework class library. Sorry, can''t remember the name of the book.
Well, it may not be too slow processing, but the Windows GDI isn''t too fast drawing, either. |
Well, there is this thing in existence called Tcl/Tk. It''s a scripting language and so can be used on basically every platform known to man . It''s got quite a bit of things you can do with it, but again, since it is a scripting language, you are limited somewhat to what you can do.

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
Let me correct that... MFC doesn''t slow your speed to a crawl, but it does reduce framerate to a speed that I wouldn''t want to play Half Life in...

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
What about OWL? I know its pretty old, but is it good and all?

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Just one question.. Why do you want to use such a framework library in a game? I think MFC is great when making editors or something like that, but for the actual games I''m still sticking with the basic Win API.. Just a thought

MFC is slow.


I wouldn''t even think of using MFC in a real-time application, so whats the point?

A man with no head is still a man.
A head with no man is plain freaky.

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