
Please test this on WIndows XP(Part 2)

Started by February 17, 2003 06:55 AM
7 comments, last by cippyboy 22 years ago
I want you to tes this on Windows XP: And tell me if 1)it works(You have press back a lot to see were you are) 2) what the log file wrote(if it`s not working...)

Relative Games - My apps

Gives me "Display mode not compatable".
Running XP, gf 3 ti 200.
My current display mode is 1280x1024 @ 32 bit color. All other programs I run require 32 bit color ( Unreal Ed, ect ), so I really don''t want to change it.

Model3D Test - Log File ;
OpenGL Initialised!
Loaded Model.m3d
Build Display List
VSync Disabled
Starting Main Loop

I don''t see a Model.md3 anywhere, is it embedded into the .exe?
Works fine on my setup, Intel 82845G Graphics Controller running at 1024 x 768 (32 bit colour depth) on Xp.

You could probably make it easier to use by displaying the model a bit further back, I thought the demo was busted until I drew the view back, the model sorta looks like a very bendy fighter plane.

It works
Win Xp
Athlon 2400+ XP
Geforce 4 ti 4200
512mb DDR

600+ fps when the model fits screen.

Game Core
doesnt work
Works fine here.
WinXP Pro
P4 2ghz
GF4 Ti 4400

btw, you have a hole in your model on the back

MSN:, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
"It''s all part of the conspiracy of conspirators conspiring to conspire their own conspiracies..."
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
works at 42 fps when model fit to screen..

Win XP pro, Matrox g400 with p4..

ps: put the camera further back!... fullscreen seems to work incorrectly. I can see the taskbar...
-----------my quote is under construction
1)It`s not FullScreen(no clipp)
2)Thanks for all the testing...
3)I knew there was a hole...
4)The plane was just an eyecandy effect...
5)If it worked it was WinXP right ?

Relative Games - My apps

Works...kinda?...Its very dark can''t see much..just blue shapes with a dark background. I''m running a 64mb TNT2, Athlon 1800, 256mb ddr, win XP Home.

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