
How many textures can you create....?

Started by February 14, 2003 06:16 AM
2 comments, last by cippyboy 22 years ago
While Trying to save me I only mean that I`ve already tryed that.. made up a proggy that counts that : Also I have a spoky 1 time error(Although I once had something like : Internal compiler error)...: About max Tex it will crash and it will say something and...I`m not using MSVC++....

Relative Games - My apps

I dont think there''s a limit set by opengl to the amount of textures you create, it depends on the amount of memory your system has and of course the (uncompressed) size of the texture
About that program , its only natural to crash since you create textures until you fill all the memory
---sorry for not using proper english , I'm from latin roots
yes, i''m 99% sure the texture id numbers in OGL are 32bit numbers, so even if you were using 1 byte textures i don''t think any vid cards come with 4GB of memory yet...

even if the texture id number is 16bit, that''s still 65536 textures you could load.
I already loaded 200k textures on a GeForce2 and it was running very well.

ps: 200k does not mean 200 kbytes, it means...

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