
can't log into redhat 7.3

Started by February 13, 2003 10:36 PM
5 comments, last by sakky 21 years, 6 months ago
The installation wizzard never asked me for a user name and user password. I typed in a root password tho. RedHat will not let me login, why? What do I have to type in for user name and user password when I never put one in at the installation?
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
Never mind, I switched back to WindowsXP and found some help. I''m running dual OS XP/RedHat. I use PartitionMagic to switch between the two. The RedHat KDE kicks butt. How do I get the ugly font in netscape to go away?
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
Okay, I''m back in XP. That Linux is something else. The GUI is bad a$$ and I wish I knew more aobut it. I felt lost. I need to get some files for RedHat with XP and send them over to the other partition. It''s nice being able to swap back and forth, but its a slow process. Do any of you have a quick way of doing it?
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
About your password dilemma, there''s a couple of easy solutions. But it seems you found one already .

quote: Original post by sakky
How do I get the ugly font in netscape to go away?

Very few people use Netscape in *nix. You can use Mozilla (the code base from which Netscape 6.x and 7.x are based, but more "pure") if you''d like (although the fonts may still need tweaking, since it uses a strange pseudo-derivation of GTK+ to draw XUL with). You can also try using Konqueror if you''d like (the native KDE browser).

You''re probably not going to get reboots going much quicker than they are. ''Work arounds'' include: VMware to run Windows in *nix (not cheap, but of decent quality I''ve heard), Bochs to run Windows in *nix (free, but meant to emulate at a really low level, so it''s pretty slow), WINE to emulate parts of Window (free, and fast, but far from perfect still), another computer to run one OS on (not free, obviously ).

I''ve got an idea. I''ll get a bigger hardrive so both OSs can have more space. Or a seperate hardrive for each one. I don''t know hardly any thing about linux. So I will were should I look to get some real good info and how to power use it like I can windows.
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox

It has guides, howtos, and manuals on almost anything you''d want to do or learn.

There are even some advanced guides on kernel programming if you want to go that deep.

Take a look at "Guides" first for some overview learning.
One thing to look at is that linux often installs without the DMA enabled on your drives for safty or something. I think it is in Gnome that it will tell you how fast it is copying a file. You should look for, I think its hdparam or something close to it anyway. With it you can enable the DMA and check you transfer speed. If you are only getting around 2-4MBs then you need some help in the area. The basic flags sould get you atleast 30+ Megs a Sec. Which drasticly improves your all around Linux speed. Null and Void could tell you more about it seeing as he told me about it in the first place.

[edited by - Goober King on February 21, 2003 2:42:25 PM]
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