
possibility of a LOTR:TT demo contest..

Started by February 13, 2003 04:27 AM
35 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years ago
as you might have noticed, NeHe has hinted at a lord of the rings, two towers contest... I for one certainly would be very interested in entering such a contest, although I question how much time I''d be able to devoted to it... Anyone else up to it? as far as the ''flood nvidia'' thing, I don''t really feel this would be that greater idea... I know ati certainly are very, very keen to sponsor events such as this (they seem to be sponsoring lans, and such, all the time)... don''t know what anyone else thinks... If something like this was to happen I''d feel the rules would need to be a lot more stricktly inforced than the previous LOTR contest. One of it''s rules was that you had to have made all the content yourself or had full permission.. Plus other things, I honestly felt very dissapointed with the insane work I did drawing everything myself when others simply ripped images from web sites, etc. I dunno. I suppose I should stop going on about that. What about time for a demo like this? it was 2 months last time around (if I remember right) I spent 2 weeks on my demo, what about other people? is 2 months overkill? (to me it is) or not enough? and how about all starting form, say, one of the NeHe base codes too? I know i''d be tempted to use my in the works engine, but that''d give me an unfair advantage.... thoughts? anyway. be nice to know opinions. | - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |
I would be a lot happier to win a radeon 9700 than a geforce4...

A two towers contest would be great especially if the price is hot.

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as far as the 'flood nvidia' thing, I don't really feel this would be that greater idea... I know ati certainly are very, very keen to sponsor events such as this (they seem to be sponsoring lans, and such, all the time)...

I bet you own an ATi card, or you want one !
Well, in fact you're right about the fact that ATi sponsored so hwy not ?


Plus other things, I honestly felt very dissapointed with the insane work I did drawing everything myself when others simply ripped images from web sites, etc.
and how about all starting form, say, one of the NeHe base codes too?

I know what you mean and I agree, but how could you check that entries were "started from scratch" ?


What about time for a demo like this?
it was 2 months last time around (if I remember right)
I spent 2 weeks on my demo, what about other people?
is 2 months overkill? (to me it is)
or not enough?

I also spent little time on the LOTR 2002 Demo, but what is good with the long deadline is that it allows people to enter even if they "can't code right now". For instance if tomorrow NeHe announces that the contest ends on february, what will you do if you have exams now ? Well I gues you either won't enter or will make a crap demo or will miss your exams. But if the dealine is longer, you can afford to complete our exams and then start the contest 'a bit late'.


I would be a lot happier to win a radeon 9700 than a geforce4...

I think NeHe focuses on nVidia in order to get a GeForceFX. Just like the past year, that would mean the LOTR Contest benefits the very latest of graphics cards.

[edited by - vincoof on February 13, 2003 6:31:25 AM]
of course I own an ati card

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |
also longer deadlines would allow noobs liek me to learn enough to actually make a demo.
I think we should ask both NVidia and ATI - the winner could select the card they want or whatever prize they are willing to donate. As for ripping images, im all for it. We should remember that the demo contest should focus on coding and demo effects - pretty pictures are nice and when i program a demo i want to use the best. I feel obligated to use the best and spend time on it. That sort of takes away from the demo code. If we use ripped image, we accelerate devemopment. Im up for a longer deadline - last time i was pressed for time simply because my school work. I have at most 3 hours on the weekend for myself every week. Longer deadline means we can do more work and explore more effects. We can also start (NeHe administrating) a free account on eproject express so that anyone in the contest can share files.

Now onto a touchier issue - copyrights. Im not sure but i think we are leagally able to use copyrighted material if we dont make revenue off it. Its sort of like fan art. I would like to use a piece of music form LOTR...if im allowed that is.

Im guessing there is no size limit for this contest...i hope.
I completely agree with you RipTorn about people stealing things. You probably don''t remember my demo, but I drew all but 2 images myself. I had to take the Aragorn face photo and the Lord of the Rings Title. I tried doing it myself but, well, I''m not an artist . It really p*sses me off when other take commercial stuff.

i think that using images, textures and models is not that bad if they are self created(not taken from any web or person).

so far as the time span is concerned, all i can say is,
"if i have two months, there is 10% chance that i also can take part in contest because right now i m damn busy with my project, which really matters for my BCS final term".
so its my opinion and i think there can be many people like me, considering the long time as a blessing.

for the sponsor, i support RipTorn and vincoof about their idea for ATI.

so, here i am waiting for the announcement of a new contest(even if i dont take part).

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2 months is nice. Enough time to get some nice ideas and to actualy test stuff before submitting

As for "copyright" stuff.. you realy don''t want to see my comment on this.. (I would be flamed to death)

As for side-note: what about choosing another movie? (Matrix Relaoded, Thir13en Ghosts...)

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You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Original post by RipTorn
... although I question how much time I''d be able to devoted to it...

/me smiles - what irony!

Anyway - I''ve never really done a demo before and quite frankly I hated LOTR e2. (don''t flame me - I''ve been flamed enough and this view is purely subjective), but given enough time and a subject specific enough I think I could pull myself together to write a decent, objective, demo. I know it''ll suck, but the experience is what I''m after.

As for the prize - I myself am a poor student running on a TNT2 (which, btw, has 2.4x more badnwidth than a GF2 MX400 ), but there''s one credo I would never want to violate: I code for myself and not for the money/commodities I get for it - if there''s a prize - the better!, but it doesn''t really matter what it is. Therefore - I don''t care if it''s an nVidia, an ATI or a Matrox, or a pinkish-rouge bunny-doll - for most of the people here, it''s the experience that should matter.

A question on the graphics: suppose I take a snapshot from the movie or the logo or whatever and distort it any ten given ways, would that still be in violation with the copyright of the LOTR "heraldry", so to speak?

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