
Win98 ate my brain!

Started by May 16, 2000 02:03 PM
11 comments, last by Bob the builder 24 years, 4 months ago
I''ve got 32MB of RAM, and I just checked my free chip memory after booting Win98, and it''s just 1 MEG! Theres nothing in my system tray besides the clock and volume control. That''s so lame. What the f**k does an OS need 31 meg of memory for?! An OS should be lean and streamlined. MS have proved they don''t need to compete by producing such a pile of s**t which sold so well. I hope that no only do they split MS up, they FORCE them to fix all copies of Win98 so it''s not such a piece of crap. rant rant rant etc. I feel better for that actually.
stange! mine is a bit different. i have 32MB ram too, but when i boot windows, i have 13megs free (much better than 1meg free)

- pouya
Hah, you should see mine... on my newer pc with 256MB RAM, win98 runs like a slug (not a quake 2 slug, a real life, slow one ), but on my older computer with only 32MB RAM win95 runs like a dream! Much faster than my new pc...
Makes you wonder, with win2k and all, why we ever needed Windows 98...

Nick - Head Designer,

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Edited by - on May 16, 2000 3:30:03 PM
Nick - Head Designer, our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
If it makes you any happier, Win2K is 32bit (even though MS could of fit it in 16bit, lazy programmers )
My P2-350, 256 ram runs windows fine, its just the crashes that make my head ache, my pc has never even seen better days, but Nick assures me my pc is fine, i presume hes a bit jealous, he got ripped by around $1k

Iain - Co Designer,

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Iain - Co Designer, our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
Ha! Your PC is wicked... it runs Quake 3 better than mine, supposedly double the speed of yours If it weren''t for my self destructing Hard Disk (it enjoys going crazy) and lousy windows98, i''d have a lean mean fighting machine! Although, take away those things and you don''t have much left

Nick - Head Designer,

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Nick - Head Designer, our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
Yeah. Don''t take them out. You need them | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

Does your background have a wallpaper? How about your screen resolution and bit depth? 1024x768 24bit could eat quite a lot of memory with a 1024x768 bmp wallpaper, and the higher, the more it eats.

There''s a cache subsystem that also steals your memory. Turn your CDROM cache to minimum and no read-ahead. Besides that, Windows dynamically allocates disk cache according to your usage, and sometimes it allocates >20meg of cache!! You could tune down the cache limit manually by editing system.ini or by means of utilities... search!

BTW, limiting the cache size does slows down performance in Windows. Try it for yourself.

(For Windows95/98 only, I think)
"after many years of singularity, i'm still searching on the event horizon"
Windows runs fine on my machine (P3 600E 256MB ram)
except for the really annoying crashes every 5mins...
Win 2K is much more stable...
as soon as I''ve finished this project I''ll format my HDD again..
and start over...

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Check out my shadows page and send me some feedback
quote: Original post by DerekSaw

Does your background have a wallpaper? How about your screen resolution and bit depth? 1024x768 24bit could eat quite a lot of memory with a 1024x768 bmp wallpaper, and the higher, the more it eats.

There''s a cache subsystem that also steals your memory. Turn your CDROM cache to minimum and no read-ahead. Besides that, Windows dynamically allocates disk cache according to your usage, and sometimes it allocates >20meg of cache!! You could tune down the cache limit manually by editing system.ini or by means of utilities... search!

BTW, limiting the cache size does slows down performance in Windows. Try it for yourself.

(For Windows95/98 only, I think)

No wallpaper. 4 meg CD cache. I''ll look at HD cache - hadn''t thought of that. I suspect most of that memory goes on internet explorer, which unfortunately can''t be removed.

Thanks for the advice

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