
thanks to NeHe... You can also take part

Started by February 10, 2003 05:52 PM
6 comments, last by pagal2k2 22 years ago
hi all. 1st september 2002, a person named "Abubakar A. Khaliq" registered his final project for his BCS. he thought to use OpenGL and VC++ for his project. he got none to guide him in his surroundings. then he came to web and searched for material. there he got a website and then a hell of resources, friends, guides were available for him. thats me. i found you people with me in every problem whether it is polygon cutting or choosing appropriate tool for project. i started OGL from NeHe's site and continued at a high speed. i got links, ebooks, source codes, and above all this forum. and now, in the half of my project, i am going to conduct a workshop on OpenGL in my institute. An Institute where OpenGL was completely unknown before september 2002 and will be mostly known after April 2003. this all is because of you people and NeHe. I Love you All, Riptorn, vincoof, and many many more, and after all... NeHe. Thank You Nehe you can also thank NeHe or any one on this forum in using this thread, according to your achievements (if any)... :-) Ahmed: having a mad soul...
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[edited by - pagal2k2 on February 10, 2003 6:56:56 PM]
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
LOL! That''s gotta give Jeff a big head ;-) Imagine if he had 24/7 to work on the site.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
I think its a great thing that nehe does for the site. To me its been a great place to start, and is easy for me to understand. Now with time, and effort, I''m finally gonna be where I wanna be when it comes to this type of stuff. I really appreciate what you do here NeHe(especially since its on your free time), thnx. =P
holy bugger!

man thats awesome


/me dances

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |
I have just barely started, but I was searching for open gl sites, and then in one post i found they talked about these great tutorials by "NeHe" so i googled again, and found this site. I now know a little, and this site has seriously helped me get started. The tutorials are in a perfect style for me to learn. Currently I have two books that I have ordered and are waiting for.

man, I still can''t get over how good that news is.
really impressive...

Maybe it''s also because I''m on a massive high for just cracking a coding problem that I''ve been working on for literally MONTHS too, but still..

I have to say that this site/community here is really amazing too. There is somethign about this forum that keeps me here. I barly touch the game programming/general programming forums, etc. I don''t know, it''s like it''s honest here, there isn''t anywhere near as many people pretending to be gods gift to programming (although we all like to think we are )
Just look at all the demo contest and you see it. Although I''ve only entered the LOTR contest so far and had one of my really terrible apps put on the OGLGP book cd (back when I was not too flash hot at GL ) I really wish I''d had the time to put energy into all the other contests. I''ve certainly had the ideas, just not the time

The tutorials, while not perfect like nehe says, have an advantage in that a really aspiring code can quickly begin to challenge them. Because they arn''t perfect they force you to work out a lot of stuff on your own, and this is simply the only way to learn how to code.

So all in all I feel privilaged to be part of this community and it freaks me out you mentioned my name too

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |
Yes, I agree, I love the style of the tutorials. I have seen others with object oriented programming with a kazillion vectors this and cameras that all idealized and ever so nice with left shift operators and what not else, and frankly, I prefer it nice and straightforward for now, and the style of these tutorials just fits me great.
what impressed me most about NeHe Productions is the contests.
i never took part in any(i dont even feel my self that expert to take part), i m still on the grounds of OGL and trying to get the wings. but its true that the entries in the contest always force me to continue my way.
so far as tutorials are concerned, i liked them(still like them) for their simplicity to get a start. actually i believe that the real thing is to start, to advance depends a lot on your own. tutorials provide you a very simple, easy and impressive start. so that you start believing that you can advance now on your own.
i wish(by now i can wish only) to be a part of contests, or to contribute to this forum as an expert.
and i believe that i''ll be able to fly high one day.
since i have this great community with me.

Ahmed: having a mad soul...
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Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>

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