
Best 3d model-format for a platform game?

Started by February 09, 2003 01:53 PM
3 comments, last by Whiplazh 22 years ago
I''m going to make a 3d platform game (like Mario 64, but _much_ more simple What kind of 3d model-format (ms3d, md2, etc) is the best to use for animated characters and enemies? I''m going to use Milkshape 3d for the modelling part. Thanks beforehand...
I just bumped in here and I thought I`d tell you something :
The most probably best thing would be you`re own format for best/fastest rendering and also simple but powerfull animations... If you`re looking for the All-in-One-Wonder ms3d might be "one" and also the .3DS Frame animation(Which I have no idea how to grab it),etc,etc .

P.S:I`ve my own file format which does some glDrawElements() combined with display lists and also animations of any number of frames supporting Morphing Animation...

Relative Games - My apps

Well im making my engine read them all my own md2(quake2 models) md3(quake3 models) mdl(half-life models really just quake2 models but the texture is in the file) probly in the future ms3d. They all pretty much work the same. IDSoftware made all the consepts and such on models. That is because they made the first 3d FPS games, infact they still do most FPS shooter games use quake2 or quake3s'' engine. Basicly all they do is store the info in the file the points and such. The engine reads it. Some are more advanced on how they do it. If this is your first 3d model loading program youve made Id suggest you start out with md2. I got it to work in a few days. You can always made your own 3d models that are much more high quality.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
In my experience (which isnt much) the best 3d format for what we do is ms3d because it is simple and customizable. The reason i stayed away form md2 is because you cant have custom animations (at least i think you cant). Im not too sure about md3. The advantage of md2 / md3 is that they were specifically created for games so you are garanteed that you''ll have all the tools you''ll need. Im not sure if .3ds does everything in 3d studio max but if you want a model format that does almost anything go with 3d studio formats (im not sure what the native format is) but be warned - you will have many sleepless nights coding a loader from scratch.

For what you''re describing i suggust milkshape since you are using milkshape to do the modelling - you can easily find out about the format through the milkshape sdks. The only downfall of the format is the way the animations are stored - all bunched up at the end of the file in a continous animation. Its not too practical for things like running then jumping then running. But that is easily fixed with some creative coding.
My experience points to modeling with 3D studio (just because I know how to use it) and take it into milkshape and use milkshape 3d models. The code is smaller and less complex than 3d studio files. MD2 file would also be a way to go, not too much compelx code there, look in the OpenGL Game Programming book.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
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