
Help in Dev C++

Started by February 08, 2003 08:56 PM
1 comment, last by Scorpi086 22 years ago
How do I link librays using DEV C++, and can you use GNU to program OpenGL programs? Thanks.
Linker command line can be modified here:
Project -> Project Options -> "Linker Options/Optional Libs..."

For example, to use the library opengl32.a (which is the equivalent to opengl32.lib in VC), you would add (IIRC):

GNU is an open source movement, not a single tool. MingGW and GCC are GNU compiler systems; both can be used with Dev-C++ and both "support" OpenGL.


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*thinks about giving ZealousElixir a hug, but dosn''t want to be seen as homo erotic*

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