Help with vcl.h
yo evrey time i try to compile a program in which i used the statment #include <vcl.h> i get a error that says c++ couldent find it. i think i need to add the lib file to the links window but i dont know what to add
Sory if this sounds kinda of stupid. I am new to C++ figured i should learn it.
Damm this language is weird. I am used to flash actionscript and linux shell script
Perhaps you just don''t have the file on your system? I believe vcl.h is part of Borland''s C++ builder?
If the error you get says "cannot find vcl.h", then it''s the setting for include directories you should check (assuming it''s a file you actually have installed). Missing or badly configured libraries usually give error messages like "unresolved external" followed by a symbol name. Look for a set of settings for directory search paths (there should be separate settings for include, lib and binary files, at least).
More specific info is hard to give since you don''t say what compiler you''re using.
(My projects and ramblings...)
If the error you get says "cannot find vcl.h", then it''s the setting for include directories you should check (assuming it''s a file you actually have installed). Missing or badly configured libraries usually give error messages like "unresolved external" followed by a symbol name. Look for a set of settings for directory search paths (there should be separate settings for include, lib and binary files, at least).
More specific info is hard to give since you don''t say what compiler you''re using.
(My projects and ramblings...)
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