Anyways... I have a few books that contained a CD with a digital version of the entire book. This is very nice when trying to search for an idea and not just a keyword. (like you would using the index)
I have the entire "Inside Macintosh" series of books on CD. It uses a very nice engine that lets you make bookmarks, stickey notes, personal catalogs, and other cool things. It's very well laid out as well.
I also have some very good C++ books that has very good searching capabilities. It has samples of code with hyperlinks on each keyword and header file used in it. If the code contains "#include "math.h"" then I can click on the "math.h" part to get a list of all the components it contains. I can then click on one of those to get more detail.
I kinda hate Adobe Acrobat files though.

E:cb woof!
Edited by - dog135 on May 15, 2000 8:07:55 PM