Hello all.
OK, it's late and I'm a bit on the drunk side to say what demo should win. But I think Hammer should get an extra point for beeing less hardware demanding. It was the only one of the top 3 (according to most of the people here) to run on my laptop. I have see all of the now, but earliers this week, I was stuck on a hotel room with only a crapy P-II 500 and a crapy graphics-card without any OpenGL hardware decoding... And after downloaing most of the demos about half of them had a framerate around .2/sek.
So , I know running on crapy computers wasn't a part of the contest, but I think Hammer should have some extra credit for his work.
[edited by - esolem on February 8, 2003 8:25:19 PM]
Judging mini demos - a bit of organization
(edit: probably should state that fractoid = Quin Pendragon. My site is at http://fractal.leet.net.au/)
Firstly, thanks everyone for voting for me! And, obviously, thanks to NeHe for having such a cool site/contest/prize/tutorials. You obviously care, man, and it shows. I dunno about most people here, but I've learned 99% of what I know about OpenGL from nehe.gamedev.net. Keep up the good work!
It was a quality field, with a lot of talent. I finally managed to download all of the demos, and here are my comments (for what they're worth).
Andreas Hammar: Possibly my favorite. Shiny is good. Music is good. 2-level metablobs are good. Text is good. Neon tube thing is very good. My only problem is that each scene lasts a long time... but the scenes are quality.
Armand Niehaus: Like the tune. What *is* that funky wobbly blue shiny thing between other scenes?
Axl: Two words: Matrix. Goood. Water is good - maybe some rain for more interesting ripples? That multiple-overlaid-sliding-square thing is cool too... Tunnels are always good.
Brian Washburn: Tunnel with overlaid wireframe was funky
Good to see some music synch. as well.
David Ducker: I kept expecting aliens to jump out or something... Nice textures!
Georgi Khomeriki: Nice model animation - I've gotta get something like that going
(quick opinion poll: skeletal or mesh-interpolation, folks?)
Gyasi Grey: Can't... stop... staring... at... ball.... Hypnotic. This would make a good Winamp plugin
Henrik Carlgren: Particles good. Trails/Motion blur good. Wireframe (or not) knot-looking thing good. End abrupt.
Julien Amsellem: Should some of those stars be closer than the spaceship?
Libor Capak: Nice music synch and 2D shape-y things. Possibly a little more variety?
Mirko Teran: Real oldskool feel about this one... The bouncy tower scene just did something weird. (went all wireframe then all black). *reruns* OK, worked that time. I think the problem was me accidentally resizing the window
Kudos for the realtime IFS and Julia set... 
Pete Corey: Square meshes can do *anything*
Peter Wallstrom: Oldskool 4k intro?
Phil Freeman: Very cool. I'd pick this for second, after Andreas Hammar's.... nah, stuffit, I like this one better. Good work!
Ralph Tittensor: Funkae! Flying cameras around is always cool. The point where you broke the knot thingy into squares and flipped them over was a definite 'wow' moment... good work
Maybe a fade out at the end?
Rishi Ramraj: Is the fishtank meant to have walls? Also the top of the water looks... odd... but still, cool.
Rus Bogdan: Slick intro... You people with graphic design skills, gah.
Once again stops somewhat abruptly.
Sebastian Brandt: Niiice. Maybe a smidgen too much static, and it looked like it was meant to be synched to the music but wasn't on my system. Still, good work
Stanciu Ciprian: Camera movement was good... some of the planets seemed to be missing some colour?
Steven Ashley: Woohoo! More cubes! I like the use of DSP beat responsiveness instead of just pattern/row detection... it definitely works best with your own tune though. Hard NRG seems to confuse it somewhat
Tuomas Volotinen: OK, I have a new favorite. Crusty, oldskool, fast... plus the whole 25kb thing is sorta impressive. I like a demo that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Yuval Sarna: I beheld a tree... woah. Some people seem to think my demo (Superstars) had a message. That was just 4am straight-from-subconscious-to-screen demopoetry. *This* has a message. And sad music. *snif~*
So, overall, my top three are:
1) PoRnOiNtRo (Tuomas Volotinen)
2) Demolition (Phil Freeman)
3) the thing 2003 (Andreas Hammar)
...but I loved them all. Fantastic work!
[edited by - fractoid on February 11, 2003 1:57:52 AM]
Firstly, thanks everyone for voting for me! And, obviously, thanks to NeHe for having such a cool site/contest/prize/tutorials. You obviously care, man, and it shows. I dunno about most people here, but I've learned 99% of what I know about OpenGL from nehe.gamedev.net. Keep up the good work!
It was a quality field, with a lot of talent. I finally managed to download all of the demos, and here are my comments (for what they're worth).
Andreas Hammar: Possibly my favorite. Shiny is good. Music is good. 2-level metablobs are good. Text is good. Neon tube thing is very good. My only problem is that each scene lasts a long time... but the scenes are quality.
Armand Niehaus: Like the tune. What *is* that funky wobbly blue shiny thing between other scenes?
Axl: Two words: Matrix. Goood. Water is good - maybe some rain for more interesting ripples? That multiple-overlaid-sliding-square thing is cool too... Tunnels are always good.
Brian Washburn: Tunnel with overlaid wireframe was funky

David Ducker: I kept expecting aliens to jump out or something... Nice textures!
Georgi Khomeriki: Nice model animation - I've gotta get something like that going

(quick opinion poll: skeletal or mesh-interpolation, folks?)
Gyasi Grey: Can't... stop... staring... at... ball.... Hypnotic. This would make a good Winamp plugin

Henrik Carlgren: Particles good. Trails/Motion blur good. Wireframe (or not) knot-looking thing good. End abrupt.
Julien Amsellem: Should some of those stars be closer than the spaceship?
Libor Capak: Nice music synch and 2D shape-y things. Possibly a little more variety?
Mirko Teran: Real oldskool feel about this one... The bouncy tower scene just did something weird. (went all wireframe then all black). *reruns* OK, worked that time. I think the problem was me accidentally resizing the window

Pete Corey: Square meshes can do *anything*

Peter Wallstrom: Oldskool 4k intro?
Phil Freeman: Very cool. I'd pick this for second, after Andreas Hammar's.... nah, stuffit, I like this one better. Good work!
Ralph Tittensor: Funkae! Flying cameras around is always cool. The point where you broke the knot thingy into squares and flipped them over was a definite 'wow' moment... good work

Rishi Ramraj: Is the fishtank meant to have walls? Also the top of the water looks... odd... but still, cool.

Rus Bogdan: Slick intro... You people with graphic design skills, gah.

Sebastian Brandt: Niiice. Maybe a smidgen too much static, and it looked like it was meant to be synched to the music but wasn't on my system. Still, good work

Stanciu Ciprian: Camera movement was good... some of the planets seemed to be missing some colour?
Steven Ashley: Woohoo! More cubes! I like the use of DSP beat responsiveness instead of just pattern/row detection... it definitely works best with your own tune though. Hard NRG seems to confuse it somewhat

Tuomas Volotinen: OK, I have a new favorite. Crusty, oldskool, fast... plus the whole 25kb thing is sorta impressive. I like a demo that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Yuval Sarna: I beheld a tree... woah. Some people seem to think my demo (Superstars) had a message. That was just 4am straight-from-subconscious-to-screen demopoetry. *This* has a message. And sad music. *snif~*
So, overall, my top three are:
1) PoRnOiNtRo (Tuomas Volotinen)
2) Demolition (Phil Freeman)
3) the thing 2003 (Andreas Hammar)
...but I loved them all. Fantastic work!
[edited by - fractoid on February 11, 2003 1:57:52 AM]
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