
The responses column...

Started by May 14, 2000 03:35 PM
4 comments, last by 24 years, 9 months ago
I''ve noticed that in the forums, the number of responses represented on the main page of any forum are often misrepresented... often showing 0 replies when there are loads, and on one the number of pages (it was a 10 page thread ) was mis-represented too... Is it just me? Or are the forums a bit crazy? Nick - Head Designer, -- Visit our website... Games, goodies and ingenuity
Nick - Head Designer, our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
Just a software bug

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This thing question just pops up more than the actual problem.
I''m still wondering just what the hell did they do to that counter that it''s not working???? every once in a while it resets to zero. i remember the other day, there were a couple o the posts that had 0 replies (false report) and i replied to one o them and the other one changed the reply number!!!
it looks like it''s more of a storage problem, not the counter problem

- pouya
The count isn''t calculated every time you view an index page. To do so would kill performance. Instead, the count is updated everytime a post is added or removed. Somewhere in there, it''s getting messed up. Mike''s trying to fix the problem.

- pouya

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