
Prolly a stupid Question but...

Started by February 06, 2003 05:14 PM
1 comment, last by Tradax 22 years ago
Prolly a stupid Question but, when compiling my project or the one from the first lesson, i get this error: --------------------Configuration: lesson1 - Win32 Debug-------- Compiling... Lesson1.cpp Command line error D2027 : cannot execute ''c1xx'' Error executing cl.exe. lesson1.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) I think it''s cause of the cl.exe like it says, but i do not know what that is. Any help? Thanks in advance, Tradax
I believe cl.exe is the VC compiler, or at least a component of it. I''ve had this error before, but I can''t recall what you might be able to do to fix it. For starters, you can try a "Rebuild All". If it occurs consistently even after you restart the IDE and your computer, it''s possible that you''ll have to reinstall it, but mess around with it some and STW before you go that drastic. Sorry I can''t provide more insight.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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try searching your hard drive to make sure that cl.exe is present on your machine. if it is present, edit your global environment variables and add the directory in which cl.exe live to your path variable.

for win2000:
My Computer -> right click -> properties -> advanced tab -> environment variables -> scroll around to the path variable -> edit -> paste in your cl.exe directory path (leave off the actual cl.exe from the path name so it'll look something like C:\program files\microsoft visual studio\bin\)


[edited by - Palidine on February 6, 2003 6:30:57 PM]

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